Sunday, February 2, 2020

Dark chocolate quinoa shards with gojis, mulberries & almond flakes


225g dark chocolate – around 70%, chopped
50g quinoa
Handful of gojis
Handful of dried mulberries **
Handful of flaked almonds
Pinch of salt

**I used these as I couldn’t find dried raspberries or strawberries, either will do

We need to pop the quinoa to prevent it breaking our teeth! Pour the quinoa into a large pan and put over a fairly high heat shaking it the whole time to prevent burning, you will see and hear them popping, remove from heat.

Melt the chocolate over a bain-marie and combine with the popped quinoa.
Spread on a sheet of silpat or non-stick paper till a nice even layer but not too thin, maybe 5mm and sprinkle the berries and nuts over, pushing the big bits in slightly. Sprinkle a tiny dusting of salt.
Set in the fridge for 30 minutes and then break up into shards.


The inspiration for this came from Erin @ Well plated, thanks Erin!

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