Saturday, January 11, 2020

Cooking or hazard?

Cooking oils:  health & horrors      
Heating, smoking & re-using our commonly used oils

We were all convinced to swap butter and lard for the new ‘heart healthy vegetable oils’ in the 80s but what boll*ks!

There are many oils on our supermarkets shelves these days and it is hard to know what to buy. More importantly, how do we use them? Can we cook with them? Which ones are best? Simply…….

Vegetable oils are ‘hydrogenated’, chemically treated and often bleached to be palatable for consumption; these are fake and harmful to health particularly when heated: soybean, corn, canola, safflower, sunflower, palm, peanut, vegetable, veg shortening, margarine and all ‘fake’ butters. These can be carcinogenic and have no known health benefits. 

SAFE to heat:
Organic avocado oil, grass-fed butter & ghee, organic virgin coconut oil and lard / duck fat / chicken fat are all good to cook with BUT don’t let them smoke. As well as changing the chemical composition of the oil getting it that hot, the smoke is also toxic and carcinogenic. Never re-heat and re-use oils.

Eat RAW:
Extra virgin olive oil is best raw (but can be cooked to 140*C/ 150*C without changing its composition). Nut and seed oils; walnut, sesame, macadamia, almond, flax and hemp are all highly nutritious containing vitamin E and omega 3s in varying proportions and should be eaten raw.

Oils & fats have been given so much bad press in favor of a higher carb intake over the last few decades, we now know it is ‘fake news’!
We should eat a good nutritious dose of fat with each meal be it nuts and seeds on our salad, sardines or avocado in our salad or good old olive oil dressing our salad. 2020

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Cooking or hazard?

Cooking oils:  health & horrors       Heating, smoking & re-using our commonly used oils We were all convinced to swap...