Flaxseeds are a good vegetarian source of omega 3 fatty acids, great to include in our diets especially if our oily fish intake is low. Flax provides alpha-linoleic-acid which has been found protective against cancer. Flax produce a mucilaginous gum like fiber which can lower cholesterol, protect our heart and also ‘nourish’ our intestinal tract walls.
Flaxseeds are a phytoestrogen and can help balance our hormones especially during peri-menopause and menopause. (YAY!).
Eyes, joints and our brain also benefit from the high fatty acid content of flax and being full of fat and protein, these little wonders can also help balance our blood sugar.
Include flaxseed in your diet! 1-2 tbsp per day is a good intake, blended into a smoothie or ground and sprinkled on porridge or yoghurt or the oil used on salads.
Flax can be soaked in overnight oats or grind them in small batches and kept in the a glass jar in the fridge as they go rancid. You can also buy the oil and use on salads ( doesn’t taste amazing so perhaps make a dressing with it). Buy flax/ linseed oil in small opaque or dark bottles and throw out if unused after 3 months as it will have gone off. It is expensive so commit to using it! Write the date you open it on the label.
You can also sprout flaxseeds: soak them in water for 3-4 hours, drain and put in sprouter, water daily and you should see shoots within 10 days.
Banana, pecan & flax bread
gluten-free, refined-sugar-free, dairy free
30g butter or coconut oil at room temp
300g / 3 ripe bananas
220g ground almonds
2 tbsp maple syrup
1 tbsp lemon juice
Pinch of salt
1/2 tsp bicarb soda
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla extract
30g flaxseed ground – buy whole and blitz (flaxseed = linseed)
1 tbsp flaxseed to sprinkle
75g pecans chopped
3 eggs
Oven 170*C, line a bread pan with greaseproof paper
Put everything except the whole flax and the pecans into food processor and blend till well combined, add pecans and mix by hand. Tip batter into bread pan smoothing out evenly and sprinkle flaxseeds on top.
Put in oven for 1 – 1 ¼ hours until cooked through. If after a while it looks like it is getting too brown, cover with baking paper.
Thanks to the Hemsley goddesses for the inspiration!