Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Lasagne - gluten-free veggie 'lasagne' - pumpkin, eggplant or spinach layers

If using eggplant or pumpkin, slice thinly and griddle gently to cook. Set aside. If using spinach leaves, wash and dry them.

Tomato sauce

1 onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic chopped
1 tin tomatoes plus 1 passata OR 1 passata plus 3-4 fresh tomatoes
1 pinch herbs de provence or oregano

Fry onion and garlic in 1 tbsp olive oil, add herbs, tomotoes and passata with a little salt and pepper and simmer gently for 10 minutes till tasty. Set aside.

Lasagne filling

1 onion thickly sliced
2-3 peppers multi-coloured thickly sliced
1 courgette sliced 
1 large carrot thinly sliced
1 clove garlic crushed

Toss all in olive oil and garlic in an oven tray and roast at 200* for 20 mins until browning but not black!

When roasted, add into tomato sauce and mix.

Assemblage – sheeps cheese and feta to crumble

Put a little olive oil in bottom of a pyrex dish, layer some spinach or eggplant or pumpkin. Next, layer some roasted veg / tomato mix and crumble some cheese, repeat until finished. Top with some crumbled cheese and bake covered with foil for 30 mins at 180*C, uncover and cook for another 5-10 till cheese melted.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Flaxseed (linseed) - a bit of nutrition and gluten-free banana pecan & flax bread recipe

Flaxseeds are a good vegetarian source of omega 3 fatty acids, great to include in our diets especially if our oily fish intake is low. Flax provides alpha-linoleic-acid which has been found protective against cancer. Flax produce a mucilaginous gum like fiber  which can lower cholesterol, protect our heart and also ‘nourish’ our intestinal tract walls.

Flaxseeds are a phytoestrogen and can help balance our hormones especially during peri-menopause and menopause. (YAY!).

Eyes, joints and our brain also benefit from the high fatty acid content of flax and being full of fat and protein, these little wonders can also help balance our blood sugar.

Include flaxseed in your diet! 1-2 tbsp per day is a good intake, blended into a smoothie or ground and sprinkled on porridge or yoghurt or the oil used on salads.

Flax can be soaked in overnight oats or grind them in small batches and kept in the a glass jar in the fridge as they go rancid. You can also buy the oil and use on salads ( doesn’t taste amazing so perhaps make a dressing with it). Buy flax/ linseed oil in small opaque or dark bottles and throw out if unused after 3 months as it will have gone off. It is expensive so commit to using it! Write the date you open it on the label.

You can also sprout flaxseeds: soak them in water for 3-4 hours, drain and put in sprouter, water daily and you should see shoots within 10 days.

Banana, pecan & flax bread       
gluten-free, refined-sugar-free, dairy free

30g butter or coconut oil at room temp
300g / 3 ripe bananas 
220g ground almonds
2 tbsp maple syrup 
1 tbsp lemon juice
Pinch of salt
1/2  tsp bicarb soda
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla extract
30g flaxseed ground – buy whole and blitz (flaxseed = linseed)
1 tbsp flaxseed to sprinkle
75g pecans chopped
3 eggs

Oven 170*C, line a bread pan with greaseproof paper

Put everything except the whole flax and the pecans into food processor and blend till well combined, add pecans and mix by hand. Tip batter into bread pan smoothing out evenly and sprinkle flaxseeds on top.

Put in oven for 1 – 1 ¼ hours until cooked through. If after a while it looks like it is getting too brown, cover with baking paper.


Thanks to the Hemsley goddesses for the inspiration!

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Double dark chocolate Brownie - gluten-free - reduced sugar - dairy free option

Chocolate, and no, I don’t mean Cadburys unfortunately, is full of nutrients. Choose dark, 70% plus organic chocolate (I like 90% to nibble on but don’t try and cook with it) for magnesium to help you relax and antioxidants to give you a boost.

3 eggs whisked with 
200g coconut sugar

175g butter or coconut oil melted and mixed with 
80g cocoa powder

1 drip vanilla extract
1 tsp bicarb
200g almond flour
100g dark choc chips
100g roughly chopped macadamias or hazelnuts
100g frozen raspberries

Mix altogether & spoon into a lined cake tin
Cook at 160*C for 30 minutes – you don’t want to cook till the skewer comes out clean!

Susie Thomson-Bowen 2020

Friday, February 7, 2020

'Caramel' date cake - gluten-free refined sugar-free

100g butter at room temp
250g pitted dates (around 300g dates with stones)
200g ground almonds
20g coconut flour
Pinch of salt
1 ¼  tsp bicarb soda
½ tsp ground nutmeg
3 eggs

Crème fraiche or yoghurt ‘brassé’ to serve

Oven 170*C, line a brownie pan with greaseproof paper

Soak dates in 200ml boiling water for 10 minutes. Put in food processer and blend till smooth. Add in all other ingredients and blend till well combined. Spread evenly in brownie pan.

Bake for 35 minutes and then cover with baking paper to prevent it going too brown and cook for another 20 minutes till skewer comes out clean. 

Thanks to the Hemsley goddesses for the inspiration!

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Dark chocolate quinoa shards with gojis, mulberries & almond flakes


225g dark chocolate – around 70%, chopped
50g quinoa
Handful of gojis
Handful of dried mulberries **
Handful of flaked almonds
Pinch of salt

**I used these as I couldn’t find dried raspberries or strawberries, either will do

We need to pop the quinoa to prevent it breaking our teeth! Pour the quinoa into a large pan and put over a fairly high heat shaking it the whole time to prevent burning, you will see and hear them popping, remove from heat.

Melt the chocolate over a bain-marie and combine with the popped quinoa.
Spread on a sheet of silpat or non-stick paper till a nice even layer but not too thin, maybe 5mm and sprinkle the berries and nuts over, pushing the big bits in slightly. Sprinkle a tiny dusting of salt.
Set in the fridge for 30 minutes and then break up into shards.


The inspiration for this came from Erin @ Well plated, thanks Erin! https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=puffed+quinoa+and+chocolate+heart&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Gluten-free Bacon mushroom & spinach quiche - using buckwheat flour

Gluten-free quiche – bacon mushroom & spinach (20cm)


150g buckwheat flour
90g butter, cold and cubed
20 ml cold water


75g lardons
6 mushrooms sliced
½ onion sliced
3 bricks frozen spinach, defrosted
75g grated cheese
3 eggs
50ml cream
1 clove garlic
S & P

Combine the flour butter and water in the food processor and blitz until combined. Roll out between cling film and push into quiche plate making the sides all nice and neat. Fork it and rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Blind bake base at 200*C until cooked through, it might crack on the bottom so try to patch it up best you can. Meanwhile, fry off the lardons adding the onion and mushrooms till coloured and tasty.

Fill the quiche base mixing in the spinach and cheese and season well.

Bake in the oven for around 20-30 minutes until cooked through but not too much.

***the base is a bit crumbly but we’re going for GF not aesthetics! If you want a vain quiche, use half-half buckwheat and spelt wheat flour, it will still be low gluten. I will try adding an egg to the pastry next time.

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