Happy hormones: balance your day from the start....
3 breakfast suggestions for hormonal balance
If you are like me, you start off the day with great intentions and it is all downhill from here, so I like to make a good effort with my first meal of the day.
Eggs? Unfertilized please!
3 breakfast suggestions for hormonal balance
Eggs? Unfertilized please!
Poached egg on top of a slice of tempeh (fermented soybean ‘cake’) or rye bread garnished with broccoli sprouts, avocado and cherry tomatoes.
Seedy sheep! Sheeps’ milk yoghurt topped with pomegranate seeds, chopped brazil nuts & LSC ( *)
*mixture of ground linseeds, sesame seeds & chia seeds; can be ground in advance in high powered blender or coffee maker and kept in a glass jar in the fridge for a week or so
Get your (overnight) oats!
Soak 1/3 cup of wholegrain oats in soy milk in a glass jar overnight with a teaspoon of linseeds and a few almonds. In the morning, top with a spoonful of yoghurt, strawberries and raspberries. I used frozen mix berries here.
NB. If you are worried about your hormone balancing or think you are at risk of hormonal driven diseases or indeed are suffering from hormonal issues, please speak with your nutritional therapist before going overboard on processed soy products.
Some consider phyto-estrogenic foods harmful in some cases and others consider them beneficial. In fact, phytoestrogens can be adaptogenic; raising or lowering your hormonal levels according to your needs.
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