5 easy tips to balance your blood sugar
It is very important to keep our blood sugar (glucose) regulated to keep our energy levels up and balance our mood swings. High blood sugar (hyperglycemia) might lead to hormonal issues, diabetes, all its associated health concerns and weight gain. Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) can lead to cravings and weight gain and even fainting at the extreme. Hyperglycemia is more common these days on our high carb standard western diet so here are some tips to help us keep our levels consistent:
1. Avoid sugar – real sugar, fake sugar, substitute sugar, sweeteners, honey, syrups – that are all sugar and will spike our blood sugar level before it crashes leaving us with less energy and moodiness
2. Reduce refined carbohydrate intake – carbs act like sugar in our bodies – choose brown rice, brown pasta, brown bread with seeds, wholegrain varieties of pitas, wraps etc. Try quinoa and buckwheat products which are seeds and not grains therefore lower in carbs and higher in protein
3. Add protein to every meal and snack – this will moderate the ‘spike’ and keep you feeling energized for longer eg. top an oatcake or cracker with hummus or cheese; have a handful of nuts with your apple; choose nuts and seeds mix over crisps
4. Don’t drink sugar! Avoid all soft drinks, juices & mixers; choose water, still or sparkling; herbal teas and decaf coffee – caffeine stimulates blood sugar. Juices without the pulp of the fruit is just sugar!
5. Exercise – balances blood sugar and uses up any excess energy before it can be stored as fat; also good for our mood and general wellbeing
Stop the sugar!
Release yourself from the rollercoaster ride of ups and downs associated with blood sugar imbalance now J
Susie Thomson-Bowen 2020
5 easy tips to balance your blood sugar